Our great product

Brand partnerships, reinvented

Partner with like-minded brands and start selling more, together.

Capio helps you find brands that share your values to complement your catalog or simply to sell your products.

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Provide your partners with your products

Distribute your products for everyone to see, right on your partners' stores.

Find new customers

Lower acquisition cost

Zero upfront costs

Keep control on your supply chain


Our awesome features
Our awesome features

Sell your partners' products

Delight your customers with the products they need, when they need it, and reinforce your brand.

Extra revenues with 100% margin

Add 10-15% to your AOV

No inventory, no cost, no hassle

Get access to large high-quality products from Capio’s network


They trust us

The rules of the game have changed. Come play along!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us using email.

Capio is a curated network of DTC brands that match our values and our quality standards. We do it both ways: • As a storefront, choose high-quality complementary products you’d like to sell from Capio’s catalog to delight your customers. There is no inventory commitment, no fulfillment and return cost to handle. • As a supplier: Unlock new distribution channel and increase your visibility through Capio’s network while keeping full control on your customer experience, your supply chain and your brand.

Any store can use Capio! Whether you are a store, a marketplace, or even a person just about to launch your own store, Capio can help you grow your revenues.

Capio is a curated network of DTC brands that match our values and our quality standards. If you want to join as a supplier, please send an email at: contact@joincapio.com

With Capio, you have total control over your brand, so you can choose to join as a supplier, a storefront, or both.

• As a supplier, Capio is a great new acquisition channel, cheaper than ads and that matches your brand values. • As a storefront, Capio is a way to provide your customer with the best experience, by offering them directly on your store, products he would have bought elsewhere. Capio will also improve your Average Order Value, your Lifetime Value, and your revenues as a store!

As a supplier, you gain visibility and sell more products thanks to your new partners. As a storefront you get a commission on partners’ products you sell.

Of course, you choose your parters based on their values and what you want to sell. You can opt-in and opt-out of your partnerships, and it will take effect immediately. We also send you a notification every time you get a partnership offer, you can either accept or refuse it.

You can invite your partners on Capio! Capio can also help you manage existing partnerships.

The customer experience is exactly the same as if your customer ordered directly from the supplier brand. The supplier brand sends the confirmation email, ships the order and handles customer service.

The supplier does, as he would normally do with an order of his.

Of course not! Capio helps you find the perfect products to complement your catalogue, and provide your customer with the ultimate experience, and thus reinforces your brand image.

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